
Wisdom begins in wonder.
Curiosity helps us relax our
grip on certainty and be
open to how other views
contribute to a larger story,
one we haven’t fully
glimpsed yet.

The Wisdom of Thinking Together

In dialogue, participants agree to principles and intentions that enable a different way to engage. Imagine a group conversation that is neither combative nor impartial.

Its goal is to achieve understanding and deepen respect and mutual appreciation. It allows ideas, intuitions and perspectives to be given free rein without devolving into unhealthy, or unhelpful, group dynamics.

William Isaacs, one of the pioneers of dialogue, calls it “a conversation with a centre, not sides.” When we turn our attention to the centre and away from the sides, we focus on getting issues and friction out, rather than bottling things up or attempting to convince or diminish the other side. We begin to think together.